Friday, January 16, 2009

Job Interview Tip

The following are some tips form Harvey Mackay that I found for you all to read over. In this tough job market, you need to step up your game in order to set yourself apart!

When you enter an interviewer's office, zero in on memorabilia and personal touches:

What books are prominently displayed on the shelves? Can you share a comment or two about an important lesson you learned from reading one of the authors?
Autographed photos and civic or industry awards can be particular points of personal pride. If you can offer some authentic praise or admiration, consider making a passing comment.
The individual's laptop, monitor or other office equipment can open up a conversational opportunity.
A job interview is fundamentally a sales encounter. People buy from people they like. And people hire people they like. It's that simple. People like people who are genuine, pleasant, sincere, easy to talk with and friendly.

Have a clever story, quote, or anecdote or two in mind that you can slip into the conversation. Something positive and memorable. Billionaire Oprah Winfrey, for example, uses an unforgettable trademark line: "I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes."

Follow-up a job interview with a handwritten thank-you note. They are essential, especially when they mention how you will fit into the company's culture or help meet its immediate business needs.

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