Sunday, May 4, 2008


Being Proactive = Positive Results

Time to self-reflect...

If the following resembles you, great you are a proactive thinker. If not, time to start taking baby-steps toward this type of thinking.
  • Always find a way to make it happen
  • Are thankful for what you have
  • Think before you act
  • Are not easily offended
  • Focus on things you can do something about, not on the uncontrollable
  • Bounce back when something bad happens
  • Take responsibility for your choices
  • Never complains
  • Says things like, "I can do better than that" or "I can" or "There's got to be a way"
I'll leave you with a quote:
"Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force."
- Elaine Maxwell

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